Alright so you have decided to decimate your existence as one of th 2.5 lakh who will appear for the CAT 2008 and you strongly believe that come January and you wil rise like a phoenix and proudly tell the world that you are 99.xx %iler. That you have learned a different English, which has just seven alphabets A,B,C,K,L,I,S. If yes, congratulations, because self belief in your own capabilities is one of the main ingredients of ultimate CAT success. But how do you plan to go about the other ingredients? you know Quant, verbal, Reasoning, Awareness and bla bla bla. Here is a step by step guide to help you cook a delicious CAT 2008
Step I : Know the time you have in your hands
Before you start your CAT 2008 preparation, i would suggest that you calculate the kind of hours you can put in your CAT preparation. Today we are sitting on the 17th of april ( As symbol of freedom and Brotherhood, the Olympic torch is caged in Delhi) and CAT will be held on 18th of Novemeber (or the sunday closer to 18th). Assuming that you put in 2 hours on weekdays and 5 hours on saturdays and another 8 hours on Sunday this is what you will have,
Step 2: Take a mock CAT
With this math done, next step would be know to how to invest your time on different CAT 2008 sections. But before you do that you ought to have a fair idea of your weakness and strengths in these sections. To do that, take a Mock CAT. Grab a paper from the internet and create real test atmosphere at your home and take the test with honesty. See, you are doing this because you wanna know where you stand so no point faking the effort. Afterall you can not lie to yourself. As for test download locations, you can download a mock CAT paper from here or here.
Step 3 : Allocate time based on your performance
Once you have the score in your hands, you will have a fair bit of idea on areas where you need to put an extra ounce. Divide your time accordingly. Do not over do or under do any section. Do not think that you need not practice Reasoning or Do not think Reading comprehension is child's play. Becuase trust me, sooner or later you yourself will realize that it is not. So, be judicious and frame a time plan.
This allocation also depends on two parameters, One if you are working or not and two do u want to self study or you would rather go for a contact programme. Once you are enrolled into a classroom programme, classroom schedule more or less drives your timetable but in other cases you have to chalk out your plan. How to decide if you want a class room programme or self study warrants one whole post, so more on that later.
Step 4 : Follow your time table
Yea right!!
Step 5 : Mock CAT every Sunday
Take a mock CAT every sunday. Save your scores and keep checking your progress. Also, check if your time table is in line with your progress. because as the time passes you will get a better hang of things.
Step 6 : Read Newspapers, magazines, Watch News Channels
No matter how much you hate all that, you have no other option but to do all this and more. You will need all this current affair gyan and analytical skills in later stages of your CAT career. So start as soon as possible.
Step 7 : Take mock CAT series
Most CAT training institutes conduct All India level Mock series during august to novemeber period. Enroll for one of those and keep a tab on your performance vis-a-vis fellow contestants. Contestants? Yea, CAT is a contest afterall!!
Follow these broad guidelines with discipline and I can assure you that your final CAT 2008 score will be way better than your first Mock. I didnt do much of these and I couldn't achieve what I wanted to. But for me CAT dream is over, I hope this recipe helps you cook your dream of CAT 2008 success!!
Best of Luck!!
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Step I : Know the time you have in your hands
Before you start your CAT 2008 preparation, i would suggest that you calculate the kind of hours you can put in your CAT preparation. Today we are sitting on the 17th of april ( As symbol of freedom and Brotherhood, the Olympic torch is caged in Delhi) and CAT will be held on 18th of Novemeber (or the sunday closer to 18th). Assuming that you put in 2 hours on weekdays and 5 hours on saturdays and another 8 hours on Sunday this is what you will have,
Step 2: Take a mock CAT
With this math done, next step would be know to how to invest your time on different CAT 2008 sections. But before you do that you ought to have a fair idea of your weakness and strengths in these sections. To do that, take a Mock CAT. Grab a paper from the internet and create real test atmosphere at your home and take the test with honesty. See, you are doing this because you wanna know where you stand so no point faking the effort. Afterall you can not lie to yourself. As for test download locations, you can download a mock CAT paper from here or here.
Step 3 : Allocate time based on your performance
Once you have the score in your hands, you will have a fair bit of idea on areas where you need to put an extra ounce. Divide your time accordingly. Do not over do or under do any section. Do not think that you need not practice Reasoning or Do not think Reading comprehension is child's play. Becuase trust me, sooner or later you yourself will realize that it is not. So, be judicious and frame a time plan.
This allocation also depends on two parameters, One if you are working or not and two do u want to self study or you would rather go for a contact programme. Once you are enrolled into a classroom programme, classroom schedule more or less drives your timetable but in other cases you have to chalk out your plan. How to decide if you want a class room programme or self study warrants one whole post, so more on that later.
Step 4 : Follow your time table
Yea right!!
Step 5 : Mock CAT every Sunday
Take a mock CAT every sunday. Save your scores and keep checking your progress. Also, check if your time table is in line with your progress. because as the time passes you will get a better hang of things.
Step 6 : Read Newspapers, magazines, Watch News Channels
No matter how much you hate all that, you have no other option but to do all this and more. You will need all this current affair gyan and analytical skills in later stages of your CAT career. So start as soon as possible.
Step 7 : Take mock CAT series
Most CAT training institutes conduct All India level Mock series during august to novemeber period. Enroll for one of those and keep a tab on your performance vis-a-vis fellow contestants. Contestants? Yea, CAT is a contest afterall!!
Follow these broad guidelines with discipline and I can assure you that your final CAT 2008 score will be way better than your first Mock. I didnt do much of these and I couldn't achieve what I wanted to. But for me CAT dream is over, I hope this recipe helps you cook your dream of CAT 2008 success!!
Best of Luck!!
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