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The search results that you get when you search google for 'FMS Result' or FMS results are so heartbreaking. Google will throw up result links for admissions 2006 and even admissions 2003. Ofcourse you dont know that unless you click on the link (which you will) and see the page for yourself. I just went through those anxious moments and they were painful. After SIOM's boot, awful performance in CAT 2007 and a borderline XAT, FMS 2008 is my last serious hope. The fact that my paper went of really bad is a different story al together. But after SIOM's arrogance and indifference, i have come to realise that the match is not over till the last ball is bowled.
As for the result dates, I called up FMS, the guy on phone said 'agle hafte'. Thats a long wait.
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